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Please email brady@tastenetwork.org for pricing on the following Riedel Glassware.
The Following glasses are always available for purchase, no shipping costs in Atlanta,
and always cheaper than on the web. Free consultation too. Try getting that on the web.

Riedel Performance Crystal Stemware

A person interested in wine is led by color, bouquet and taste, but often the glass is not considered as
an instrument to convey the message of the wine. Over the years Riedel acquired some interesting scientific
explanations as to shy the shape of a glass influences the bouquet and taste of alcoholic beverages. The
first discovery was made while enjoying wine. The same wine displayed completely differently characteristics
when served in a variety of glasses. The differences were so great that experienced connoisseurs were made
to believe that they were tasting a different wine.

Gift Sets Available:

Vinum Cabernet Kit - Extreme Cabernet Kit
Vinum Tasting Kit - Vinum Extreme Tasting Kit

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